1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
| 'use strict'
var React = require('react-native'); var { Image, View, Text, StyleSheet, ViewPagerAndroid, BackAndroid, ScrollView, } = React;
BackAndroid.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', function() { if(_navigator == null){ return false; } if(_navigator.getCurrentRoutes().length === 1){ return false; } _navigator.pop(); return true; });
var _navigator ;
var UserInfoView = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){ _navigator = this.props.navigator; return {
}; },
render: function(){ return ( <ScrollView> <View> <Image source= {{ uri: 'https://img3.100bt.com/upload/ttq/20120908/1347116765019.jpg' }} style={{ height:230 }}> <View style={{ flex:1,alignItems:'center', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)' }}> <Image source= {{ uri: 'https://img3.100bt.com/upload/ttq/20120908/1347116765019.jpg' }} style={{width:60, height:60, marginTop:30,borderRadius:40, borderWidth:2,borderColor:'#C251C0' }} /> <Text style={{ fontSize:18, color:'#CECFCE', margin:4 }}> Jassell Charm</Text> <Text style={{ fontSize:14, color:'#C251C0'}}>Product Design</Text> <View style={{ width:140, marginLeft:40, marginTop:30, marginRight:40, flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'space-between', alignItems:'center', }}> <Text style={{ fontSize:12, color:'#CECFCE',}}>420<Text style={{ color:'#3A87DF'}}> Foller</Text></Text> <Text style={{ fontSize:12, color:'#CECFCE',}}>247<Text style={{ color:'#3A87DF'}}> Foller</Text></Text> </View> </View> </Image>
<View style={{ backgroundColor: '#191919', height: 56, justifyContent:'space-between', flexDirection:'row', alignItems:'center', }}> <Text style={{ color:'#C251C0', fontSize:16, flex:1,alignSelf:'center' ,textAlign: 'center'}}>FEED</Text> <Text style={{ color:'#545351', fontSize:16, flex:1,alignSelf:'center',textAlign: 'center'}}>PHOTOS</Text> </View> <View style={{ backgroundColor:'#C251C0', height:2, width:140}}></View> <View style={{ flexDirection:'row', height:80, }}> <View style={{ width:80, alignItems:'center' }}> <View style={{height:8, width:8, borderColor:'#F1A289', borderWidth:2, borderRadius:4, marginTop:40 }}></View> <View style={{flex:1, width:2, backgroundColor:'#DBDBDB'}} /> </View> <View style={{ justifyContent:'center'}}> <Text style={{ color:'#8B8B8A', fontSize:14, marginBottom:5, }}>Checked in at <Text style={{color:'#C251C0'}}>Nola Bar and Restaurant</Text></Text> <Text style={{ color:'#CBCCCB', fontSize:12, marginTop:5, }}>WENNESDAY 7:00 PM</Text> </View> </View> <View style={{ flexDirection:'row', height:80, }}> <View style={{ width:80, alignItems:'center' }}> <View style={{height:40, width:2, backgroundColor:'#DBDBDB', overflow:'visible'}} /> <View style={{height:8, width:8, borderColor:'#54D8E7', borderWidth:2, borderRadius:4, }}></View> <View style={{flex:1, width:2, backgroundColor:'#DBDBDB', overflow:'visible'}} /> </View> <View style={{ justifyContent:'center'}}> <Text style={{ color:'#8B8B8A', fontSize:14, marginBottom:5, }}>Hey team let us meet at 7:00 PM </Text> <Text style={{ color:'#CBCCCB', fontSize:12, marginTop:5, }}>WENNESDAY 6:32 PM</Text> </View> </View> <View style={{ flexDirection:'row', }}> <View style={{ width:80, alignItems:'center' }}> <View style={{height:40, width:2, backgroundColor:'#DBDBDB', overflow:'visible'}} /> <View style={{height:8, width:8, borderColor:'#3885E5', borderWidth:2, borderRadius:4, }}></View> <View style={{height:200, width:2, backgroundColor:'#DBDBDB', overflow:'visible'}} /> </View> <View > <Text style={{ color:'#8B8B8A', fontSize:14, marginBottom:5, marginTop:20, }}>Bonfite with friends </Text> <Text style={{ color:'#CBCCCB', fontSize:12, marginTop:5, }}>DEC 5</Text> <Image source={{ uri:'https://img.hb.aicdn.com/735afbfa2f6fee24d1a10e1a22b23c63f707ea82281c3-ajdFRe_fw658' }} style={{ borderRadius:5, height:120, width:200}} /> </View> </View> </View> </ScrollView> ); }, });
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
module.exports = UserInfoView;